About the clinic

Our veterinary clinic was newly built greenfield and was opened on the 1st February 2010. Its name „Mountain Veterinary Clinic“ (Horská veterinární klinika in Czech) comes from the street Horská, which means „Mountain“, but also from its location in the foothills of the Giant Mountains. It is called the only veterinary clinic from which you can see the highest mountain of the Czech Republic, Sněžka.

You can park in our parking lot with six parking places. In our spacious wheelchair accessible waiting room you will find enough seats and your four-leg friend a bowl of water. In case of waiting for a longer time, you can get someting to read and a cup of coffee.

We work in two consulting rooms. The first of them serves for initial examination, small surgical interventions and sonographic diagnostics. The second one is reserved for cat patients and acute cases. It is equipped with a digital x-ray, an incubator and two hospitalisation boxes for monitoring of patients in post-operative and serious condition.

Dog and cat patients are at the Mountain Veterinary Clinic hospitalisated in separated rooms in special boxes. Because we know how hard can such a separation be, you can visit your pet anytime.

A part of our clinic is also a lab, in which a microscope, hematological and biochemical analyser are located.

All surgical interventions are done in sterile air-conditioned surgery rooms.

We´re looking forward to meeting you at the Mountain Clinic!

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