Our Service


Microbiological, haematological and biochemical tests of animals. Collection of clinical material.


Ultrasound and X-ray diagnostics, myelography, internal osteosynthesis, external fixation, rehabilitation.


Abdominal surgery, castration, gastrointestinal surgery and upper respiratory surgery including throat surgery.

Internal medicine

Complete veterinary care: prevention, vaccination, diagnostics and therapy of internal diseases, breeding consultancy.


Prevention, counselling, tartar removal, tooth extraction and reduction, X-ray examination, stoma surgery.

X-ray, sonography, endoscopy

Sonographic examination, endoscopy, arthroscopy, X-ray of developmental defects and bones.


Removal of skin and subcutaneous formations, tumours of the mammary gland, chest and abdominal cavity,…


Basic examination, X-ray diagnosis, ECG examination, ultrasonographic examination, individual therapy.

Patient Hospitalisation

Patients after severe injuries or surgeries are hospitalized in our hospitalization boxes, incubators and terrariums.

Reptile Medicine

Comprehensive care of reptiles: preventive care, internal and skin diseases, surgical interventions, breeding advice.

Small Mammal Medicine

Complex care for small mammals: preventive care, internal and skin diseases, surgical interventions, nutritional advice.


Sale of pharmaceuticals, nutritional supplements, feeds and preparations.

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